Whistleblower Policy

SMT is committed to the highest standards of openness, probity, and accountability. 


Whistleblowing is when an individual wants to raise concerns about a perceived wrongdoing openly or anonymously, where there is a public interest element. This is different from a grievance, which has no additional public interest dimension. Grievances, in the first instance, should be handled by the appropriate manager within SMT. However, if this fails to resolve the matter, the complaint may be referred to SMT’s legal department at legal@smtshipping.com


If it is believed that the matter involves suspected criminality or such serious misbehaviour that it cannot be discussed with the normal business contact, a whistleblowing system is available. 


We offer a channel for anonymous communication, which is provided by an external partner, WhistleB Whistleblowing Centre, to ensure your anonymity. We allow no retaliation against a person that sends a whistleblower message in good faith. 


The reporting channel can be accessed on any device, including smart phones, at the following web address: https://report.whistleb.com/en/smtshipping.


If you have any queries regarding the whistleblower system, please contact legal@smtshipping.com