“25 years ago I believed there was an opportunity to create a shipping company with a core focus on maintaining and operating older vessels to an international professional standard. I wanted to create a company environment unrestricted by conventional wisdom, but one where new ideas and concepts would have a place to be developed and given an opportunity to flourish. Along the way I have learnt that this concept will work only when people are empowered to take ownership for their decisions and think beyond what others feel is ‘possible’. In recent years, we have added new building programs, younger vessels and support vessels to our managed fleets (and to our thinking), but what must endure is the original vision to create a home for free-thinking individuals to work closely together to solve problems and create opportunities.


For the last 25 years, I have been very fortunate to work with a wonderful team of professionals who have willingly shared their broad expertise. Our next challenge is to continue our progress and pass our knowledge to the next generation. This future will depend on the continued development of all our employees, both on board and onshore. Our success will depend on the professional judgment and creativity of our people, so it is critical that we continue to invest in their training and development. In turn, they must remain active participants in their own learning, continue to take well-calculated risks and learn from both their successes and their failures.


Along the way, I have also learned that strong partnerships are critical to the success of any organization. Nothing has been more fulfilling than to be able to share our successes with the partners who have placed both their capital and trust in our collective ability to create a successful business. Equally, nothing has been more inspiring than when we have received the continued support from our partners during the difficult times, those periods when the winds blow less favourably than you have imagined. Partnerships are a privilege, not a right, and SMT IS fortunate with the partners we have and serve, who over the years have contributed to us not only new ideas, projects and capital but also real friendship. With the continued support of these partners, along with the commitment to excellence from our people, we can be assured that SMT will be in good hands in the years to come."

Anthonius Voorham 

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