Suppliers Code of Conduct
Our suppliers (including all service suppliers, contractors, agents, and others acting on behalf of SMT) are an extension of our business.
This Suppliers’ Code of Conduct contains all the minimum expectations we have when dealing with our suppliers. These expectations are based on the United Nations Global Compact’s Principles, as derived from the International Bill of Human Rights, International Labour Organisation’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, and the United Nations Convention Against Corruption, made operational by the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.
We expect all our suppliers to
1. Follow applicable laws of their areas of operation. If these provide for better or lesser protection than the United Nations Global Compact’s principles, the higher standard should apply.
2. Be responsible for properly managing their own business relationships (including subcontractors and third parties)
3. Be transparent and able to satisfy SMT that they are complying with the Code of Conduct.
4. Develop a policy that is committed to the following international principles and standards:
- Right to self-determination;
- Right to non-discrimination;
- Right to work (training, contract, and termination);
- Right to equal pay for equal work, a minimum wage, safe working conditions and equal opportunity use;
- Right to join trade unions and to strike;
- Right to social security;
- Right to protection of mothers before and after childbirth, and of children & young people from exploitation (no child labour)
- Right to adequate food, clothing, housing, water, and sanitation;
- Right to health;
- Right to education;
- Right to take part in cultural life, benefit from scientific progress, material gains from inventions and protection of copyright;
- Right to life;
- Right not to be subjected to torture, cruel, inhumane or degrading treatment or punishment, and right to free, prior and informed consent to medical/scientific experimentation;
- Right not to be subjected to slavery, servitude, forced labour;
- Right to liberty and security of person;
- Right of detained persons to humane treatment;
- Right not to be subjected to imprisonment for an inability to fulfil a contract;
- Right to freedom of movement;
- Right of aliens to due process when facing expulsion;
- Right to a fair trial;
- Right to be free from retroactive criminal law;
- Right to recognition as a person before the law;
- Right to privacy;
- Right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion;
- Right to freedom of opinion, expression, information;
- Right to freedom from war propaganda and from incitement of racial, religious or national hatred;
- Right to freedom of peaceful assembly;
- Right to freedom of association;
- Right to protection of the family and to marry;
- Right to protection of the child;
- Right to acquire nationality;
- Right to participate in public affairs;
- Right to equality before the law, equal protection of the law and rights of non-discrimination;
- Rights of minorities (culture, religion, language).
5. Establish processes that deal with adverse impacts on the environment, as stated in the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development and have emergency procedures in place to prevent and mitigate industrial accidents that have an adverse environmental impact.
6. Establish anti-corruption practices such as:
- Documenting and recording income and expenditure;
- Not permitting corruption, including both ‘active’ and ‘passive’ corruption (also referred to as ‘extortion’ or ‘solicitation’);
- Not permitting payment of bribes or trading in influence with business partners, government officials or employees;
- Not hiring government employees to do work that conflicts with their former obligations;
- Not permitting political contributions, charitable donations and sponsorships in expectation of undue advantages;
- Not offering or accepting excessive gifts, hospitality, entertainment, travel and expenses if not previously approved by a senior officer and recorded;
- Not agreeing to facilitation payments, unless subjected to threats or other coercion;
- Not permitting or participating in money laundering.
7. Establish a process of continuous due diligence in relation to human and labour rights, the environment and anti-corruption and remedy any adverse impact.